Monday, December 16, 2013

Final Review

  1. Format: Final Exam
    • What is the format?
      • 60 Multiple Choice
      • 2 FRQs
  2. Review: Facilitated Review
    • What do we need to review?
  3. Suggestions: Strategies 
    • How well do you know vocabulary?
    • When will Office Hours be?
      • Tuesday during X period and after school

Monday, December 9, 2013

StudentCam - Class 4

  1. Review: Constitution & Federalism
  2. Work: StudentCam Doc

Thursday, December 5, 2013

StudentCam - Class 3

  1. Submit: Research Paper
  2. Plan: StudentCam

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

StudentCam - Class 2

  1. Review: MLA Citations
  2. Apply: Write Paper
    • How much can you get done right now?
    • How can I help you? 
  3. Explore: Opportunities

Monday, December 2, 2013

StudentCam - Class 1

  1. Review: Constitutional Convention
  2. Write: Outline for Research Paper
  3. Explore: Exciting Opportunities  

Monday, November 25, 2013

Research Paper & Documentary

For Monday, you must do two things:
  1. E-mail your partners and start narrowing down the topic.  Your topics are currently very broad... What do you want to focus on?  How can Congress fix it?  E-mail your teacher if you need help narrowing your topic.
  2. Create a blog post with three quality articles/links for research that answers your assigned question.  Your three articles/links must be from an academic source (i.e. SI databases) or a quality news/research website (i.e Pew Research or Washington Post). Go here to get started. 

  1. Education
    • Rubin: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Hernandez: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation. 
    • Naughton: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  2. Media
    • Reardon: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Bettinger: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation. 
    • Hayes: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  3. Environment
    • McDonald: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Boland: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation. 
    • Grealish: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  4. Death Penalty
    • McGahey: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Friesch: What has the federal government done? What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should review past legislation, as well as failed legislation, and articulate a clear policy proposal.
  5. Prison Overpopulation
    • Bruning: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Feeney: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation. 
    • Sheedy: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  6. Poverty & Homelessness
    • O'Shea: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Rodriguez: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation. 
    • O'Bryan: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  7. Science & Technology
    • Schumacher: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Zemanek: What has the federal government done? What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should review past legislation, as well as failed legislation, and articulate a clear policy proposal.
  8. Immigration
    • Ford: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Corbolotti: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation. 
    • Watts: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  9. Health
    • Alessandria: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Marshall: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation. 
    • D. Barry: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.

  1. Poverty & Homelessness
    • Cheung: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Puccinelli: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation.
    • Holl: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  2. Poverty & Homelessness
    • Ostrowski: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Hultman: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation.
    • Dowling: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  3. Poverty & Homelessness
    • Radich: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • M. Barry: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation.
    • Sykes: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  4. Industry & Federal Budget
    • Heavey: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Ng: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation.
    • Boucher: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  5. Energy
    • Dudum: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Bustillos: What has the federal government done? Response should include past legislation, as well as failed legislation.
    • Rike: What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should articulate a clear policy proposal.
  6. Health & Medicine
    • Favia: What is the problem that needs to be addressed by Congress? Response should include detailed data on the nature of the problem.
    • Bell: What has the federal government done? What should the federal government do in 2014? Response should review past legislation, as well as failed legislation, and articulate a clear policy proposal.

Thanksgiving Week

  1. Blog: Page One - Inside the NY Times
    • What did your classmates learn?
  2. Reflect: Unit III Test
    • Have you mastered Unit III?
  3. Prepare: Research Paper & Student Documentary
  4. View: West Wing - Shibboleth 
    • What Thanksgiving tradition exists at the White House?

West Wing: Women of Qumar

  1. West Wing: Women of Qumar
    • As we watch this episode, what concepts from this semester do you see?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Page One: Inside the NY Times

1. What are the goals and activities of the media in American politics?
2. How has the news media industry evolved over the past century, and what is the future of the news media industry?

  1. Film: Inside a Newsroom 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Learn the Address

  1. Prepare: Learn the Address
  2. Film: Our Version

Monday, November 18, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Unit III Review

  1. Review: In-Class Catlink
    • Quietly complete all the items on the quiz (it should be all green) by the end of class
    • Try to answer them by yourself before asking for help from a neighbor, your notes, your proctor, or the internet
  2. Review: Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions, and Vocabulary

Ch 11 - Media - Class 2

3. How do linkage institutions and policymaking institutions interact with the media?

  1. Analyze: Media Presence
    • How do various linkage institutions (parties, elections, interest groups, media) interact with the media?
    • How do various policymaking institutions (legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch) interact with the media?
  2. Create: Oral Arguments

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ch 11 - Media - Class 1

IMPORTANT: Do NOT scroll down and read the whole post. We will do an activity before looking at the images below. This will not work well if you look at them beforehand.

    1. What are the goals and activities of the media in American politics?
    2. How has the news media industry evolved over the past century, and what is the future of the news media industry?

    1. Reading Quiz: Ch 11 - Media
    2. Summarize: History of American Media 
    3. Case Study: News Coverage on September 17, 2012
      • Let's analyze how a story dominated the news cycle and shaped public opinion...
      • Imagine you are a NY Times reporter in September 2012... less than two months before the election...
      • In the morning, you hear about that a story on Mother Jones is getting attention...
          • Is there evidence of agenda-setting and framing?
          • Is there evidence of media bias?
          • Is it objective journalism or opinion journalism?
      • You are a reporter for the NY Times...
        • Would you cover this story (agenda-setting)? 
        • If so, how would you cover it (framing)? 

    Wednesday, November 6, 2013

    Ch 10 - Interest Groups - Class 2

    2. What are the goals and activities of interest groups in American politics?

    1. Analyze: Activities of Interest Groups 
      • "The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States. A religious sect may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the Confederacy; but the variety of sects dispersed over the entire face of it must secure the national councils against any danger from that source." - James Madison (Federalist #10)
      • "Sunshine is said to be the best of disinfectants." - SCOTUS Justice Louis Brandeis
      • In order for pluralism (Madison) to work well, citizens need a transparent (Brandeis) government so they can analyze factions.
      • What were the various ways Jack Abramoff exerted influence on Congress? 
      • What were the various ways Grover Norquist exerted influence on Congress?
      • What do interest groups do at Congressional committee hearings?
      • What are other techniques used by interest groups?
    2. Analyze: The Iron Triangle 
    3. Research: Revolving Door
      • Can you find a lobbyist who used to work on a congressional committee that oversees your policy area?  Tweet your finding to the class hashtag.
      • Can you find a lobbyist who used to work for a federal agency that oversees your policy area?  Tweet your finding to the class hashtag.  

    Monday, November 4, 2013

    Ch 10 - Interest Groups - Class 1

    CH 09
    3. How does the electoral college work, and why do we still have it?
    4. What are the various stages of the modern Senate and House elections, and why does incumbency advantage exist despite low approval ratings for Congress?
    CH 10
    1. How do unions and management engage in the collective bargaining process?

    1. Quiz: Ch 10 - Interest Groups 
        • Analyze: Electoral College
        • Analyze: Congressional Elections
        • Create: Collective Bargaining
          • Unions and businesses are examples of interest groups
          • The collective bargaining agreement at Blue Shipping is set to expire tomorrow
          • We will have two separate simulated negotiations today
          • Within each negotiation, there are three groups: 
            • the Blue Shipping management 
            • the Blue Shipping union 
          • Let's review the expiring contract and compare it to other shipping companies:   
          • Step #1: You have five minutes to meet with your side and prepare for negotiations
          • Step #2: You have fifteen minutes to negotiate a new contract
          • Step #3: You must announce the outcome
            • Reach an agreement
            • Union goes on strike
            • Management announces a lock-out
          • What were the results of the various negotiations? What did we learn about collective bargaining? What did we learn about leadership?

        Thursday, October 31, 2013

        Ch 09 - Campaigns & Elections - Class 3

        2. How has campaign finance law evolved in recent decades?

        1. Share: This American Life
        2. Preview: Role of Money in Elections
          • As we go through this history, keep this question in mind... 
          • If you are a wealthy individual who has a strong desire to support a candidate... How would you have done it before FECA?  After FECA?  After BCRA?  After Citizens United v. FEC?
        3. Analyze: Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)
          • What were the causes of FECA?
            • Watergate
            • Lack of regulation and transparency in ads 
          • What were the effects of FECA?
          • What did the Supreme Court say about FECA?
            • Buckley v. Valeo (1976): Struck down limits on expenditures because spending money = free speech under the 1st Amendment
        4. Analyze: Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) 
          • What were the causes of BCRA?
            • Rise of soft money 
            • Rise independent expenditures and issue ads 
          • What were the effects of BCRA?
            • Ban on soft money; contributions to parties are now hard money
            • Ban on independent expenditures by corporations/unions using unlimited money for issue ads 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election
            • Stand by your ad: "I approve this message" (i.e. 2004 Bush ad)
            • Rise in bundlers (i.e. 2012 bundlers)  
          • What did the Supreme Court say about BCRA?
            • McConnell v. FEC (2003) upheld BCRA
            • Citizens United v. FEC (2008) struck down ban on independent expenditures by corporate/union treasuries using unlimited money
            • Citizens United v. FEC allowed for creation of Super PACs
        5. Apply: 2012 Campaign Ads
          • Why do we rarely see federal campaign ads in California?
          • As you watch these 2012 ads, ask yourself... What type of ad is it?  What kind of funding was used?
        6. Create: Oral Arguments

        Wednesday, October 30, 2013

        Ch 09 - Campaigns & Elections - Class 2

        1. What are the various stages of the modern presidential election, and why has it become so long?
        2. What are the various stages of the modern Senate and House elections, and why does incumbency advantage exist despite low approval ratings for Congress?

        1. Analyze & Evaluate: 2000 Presidential Election

        Monday, October 28, 2013

        Ch 09 - Campaigns & Elections - Class 1

        1. What are the various stages of the modern presidential election, and why has it become so long?

        1. Reading Quiz: Ch 09 - Campaigns & Elections
        2. Analyze & Evaluate: 2000 Presidential Election

        Thursday, October 24, 2013

        Ch 08 - Political Parties - Class 3

        1. Introduce: Appropriate Use of Twitter in AP Gov
          • How does Biz Stone on describe the value of Twitter?
          • What role can Twitter play in AP Gov? 
            • The final stage, knowledge communities, embeds the previous stages with the goal of inspiring the spirit of self-learning in our students.  This moves us beyond the personal choice of the student (which I had to do in Germany in order to survive) to nurturing this as a natural urge from within the student.  Rather than a sage, the teacher now becomes a coach or consultant.  The 1:1 environment acknowledges that knowledge is always available and centers on the questions, “how do students discern which knowledge is accurate and useful?” and “how does this student answer the problems posed to him/her creatively, competently, and faithfully?”  Now iPads, mobile devices and technology in general allows, for instance, Twitter to become a place where my cohort evolves beyond the classroom to the larger community focused not on personal expression but intellectual and professional evolution.  Our libraries provide mobile access to databases, online communities, and class room consultation to train these skills.  The teacher then models the learning s/he requires, which demands some restructuring of curriculum to showcase students learning - the process as well as the product. - Mr. Jason Beyer
          • What are the expectations for Social Media in AP Gov?
          • Who will you start following for political news and commentary?
          • What is the etiquette for retweeting (RT or MT) or sharing links?
          • How can we use #APGovA1 or #APGovA2 as a learning community going forward?
        2. Create: Oral Arguments

        Wednesday, October 23, 2013

        Ch 08 - Political Parties - Class 2

        2. What are the goals and activities of political parties in American government?
        3. Why does the U.S. have a two-party system whereas other countries (i.e. the U.K.) have a multi-party system?

          1. Analyze: Parties in Government
          2. Analyze: Causes of Two-Party System in the Senate and House
          3. Analyze: Causes of Two-Party System in the Presidency
          4. Analyze: Role of Third Parties in American Politics 

          Monday, October 21, 2013

          Ch 08 - Political Parties - Class 1

          1. What are the goals and activities of political parties in American elections?
          1. Reading Quiz: Ch 08 - Political Parties 
          2. Reflect: 1st Quarter
            • Review your Unit II Test
            • Look at 1st quarter grades on PowerSchool
            • Write a three paragraph reflection on this class, SI, and life
          3. Analyze: Goals and Activities in Elections

          Monday, October 14, 2013

          Unit II Test

          1. Review: Unit II
            • What questions came up when you reviewed for the test?
          2. Test: Unit II
            • 30 Multiple Choice
            • 1 FRQ
          3. Set-Up: Twitter
            • Biz Stone on using Twitter to follow political news
            • Read Mr. Jason Beyer's reflection
              • The final stage, knowledge communities, embeds the previous stages with the goal of inspiring the spirit of self-learning in our students.  This moves us beyond the personal choice of the student (which I had to do in Germany in order to survive) to nurturing this as a natural urge from within the student.  Rather than a sage, the teacher now becomes a coach or consultant.  The 1:1 environment acknowledges that knowledge is always available and centers on the questions, “how do students discern which knowledge is accurate and useful?” and “how does this student answer the problems posed to him/her creatively, competently, and faithfully?”  Now iPads, mobile devices and technology in general allows, for instance, Twitter to become a place where my cohort evolves beyond the classroom to the larger community focused not on personal expression but intellectual and professional evolution.  Our libraries provide mobile access to databases, online communities, and class room consultation to train these skills.  The teacher then models the learning s/he requires, which demands some restructuring of curriculum to showcase students learning - the process as well as the product.    
            • Review Social Media in AP Gov
            • Start following accounts for AP Gov

          Thursday, October 10, 2013

          Ch 07 - Public Opinion & Polling - Class 2

          CH 6: 2. How do different demographic groups vary in terms of political beliefs and voter turnout?
          CH 7: 2. What is the proper role of polling and focus groups within American policymaking?

          1. Analyze: Demographic Turnout & Preferences
          2. Create: Oral Arguments

          Wednesday, October 9, 2013

          Ch 07 - Public Opinion & Polling - Class 1

          1. What are the characteristics of a quality public opinion poll?
          1. Quiz: Chapter 07 - Public Opinion & Polling
          2. Create: Poll Question
          3. Evaluate: Frank Luntz 

          Monday, October 7, 2013

          Ch 06 - Beliefs & Behaviors - Class 4

          4. What are the current policies that have contributed to the current state of the US-Mexico border?
          5. What are common myths about undocumented immigrants?
          1. Share: Blog Posts on Immigration
            • What did your classmates write about?
          2. Quiz: Immigration Myths & Realities Quiz
          3. Documentary: Crossing Arizona
          4. Case Study: Nogales Immersion
            • Please welcome students from the Nogales immersion
            • Slides from Ms. Vanderpol
            • Questions for the students:
              • Prior to immersion, what were your views on immigration?
              • How did immersion change your views?
              • What person/event had the greatest impact on me?
              • Questions from the class?

          Thursday, October 3, 2013

          Ch 06 - Beliefs & Behaviors - Class 3

          3. What is the naturalization process, and what are recent immigration reform proposals by policymakers?

          1. Summarize: Naturalization Process
          2. Analyze: Crossing Arizona
          3. Create: Oral Arguments 

          Wednesday, October 2, 2013

          Ch 06 - Beliefs & Behaviors - Class 2

          2. How do different demographic groups vary in terms of political beliefs and voter turnout?

          1. Share: Psychology of Ideology
          2. Summarize: Forms of Participation
          3. Analyze: Turnout by Demographic Groups
          4. Analyze: Federal Government Shutdown

          Monday, September 30, 2013

          Ch 06 - Beliefs & Behaviors - Class 1

          1. What are the underlying values of American culture, and what are the underlying values of various American ideologies?
          1. Quiz: Chapter 06
          2. Evaluate: Amendment Process
          3. Summarize: Political Socialization and American Culture 
            • What are the various ways we experience political socialization? 
          4. Analyze: American Political Ideologies 
            • According to Pew Research, what is your ideology?
            • According to the Political Compass, what is your ideology?
            • What are the underlying values of liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism, and socialism?

            Monday, September 23, 2013

            Unit I Test

            1. Review: Unit I
              • Any questions that came up while you reviewed this weekend?
            2. Test: Unit I
              • 45 Multiple Choice (Recommended time: 35 min)
              • 1 Free Response Question (Recommended time: 20 min)

            Thursday, September 19, 2013

            Ch 05 - Federalism - Class 3

            3. What is outlined within Amendments I-XXVII of the Constitution? (Ch 04)
            1. How has the constitutional relationship between the federal government and the states evolved since the country's founding? (Ch 05)

            1. Create: Supreme Court Oral Arguments

            Wednesday, September 18, 2013

            Ch 05 - Federalism - Class 2

            2. How has the federal government used grants to exert power on states?
              • Analyze: Federal Grants 
              • Evaluate: Guns and Federalism

              Monday, September 16, 2013

              Ch 05 - Federalism - Class 1

              1. How has the constitutional relationship between the federal government and the states evolved since the country's founding?
              1. Quiz: Ch 05 - Federalism
              2. Analyze: Endangered Species Act
              3. Summarize: Constitution and Federalism
                  • What does the constitution say about federalism?
              4. Synthesize: Supreme Court on Federalism
                • Devolution Revolution (1980s - Present?)
              5. Evaluate: Pros and Cons of Federalism