Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ch 05 - Federalism - Class 3

3. What is outlined within Amendments I-XXVII of the Constitution? (Ch 04)
1. How has the constitutional relationship between the federal government and the states evolved since the country's founding? (Ch 05)

  1. Create: Supreme Court Oral Arguments

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ch 05 - Federalism - Class 2

2. How has the federal government used grants to exert power on states?
    • Analyze: Federal Grants 
    • Evaluate: Guns and Federalism

    Monday, September 16, 2013

    Ch 05 - Federalism - Class 1

    1. How has the constitutional relationship between the federal government and the states evolved since the country's founding?
    1. Quiz: Ch 05 - Federalism
    2. Analyze: Endangered Species Act
    3. Summarize: Constitution and Federalism
        • What does the constitution say about federalism?
    4. Synthesize: Supreme Court on Federalism
      • Devolution Revolution (1980s - Present?)
    5. Evaluate: Pros and Cons of Federalism