4. How does the news media serve as a watchdog on institutions?
- 5. What are common criticisms of the news media?
- U.S. History: Investigative Journalism
- What are examples we can add to our notes for EQ #4?
- Discussion: Criticisms of News Media
- How can we answer EQ #5?
- Why do some accuse the news media of horse-race journalism?
- Why are some concerned about media conglomerates?
- What are other criticisms we have explored these past two weeks?
- Blog: Read and Comment
- Review the guidelines
- If you did not earn 5/5, you can resubmit your post by emailing it to me with the changes
- Your blog will be listed in the sidebar
- Read and comment on your classmates' blog posts on the media (remember the guidelines)
- Satire Analysis: Colbert on Newspaper Headlines
- Remember... there is a bit of truth in all good satire
- As you watch the following segment, analyze the three media sources (Wall Street Journal, the NY Post, and the Colbert Report) for the following concepts in action:
- agenda setting
- framing
- media conglomerates
- media bias