Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ch 09 - Campaigns & Elections - Class 3

2. How has campaign finance law evolved in recent decades?

  1. Share: This American Life
  2. Preview: Role of Money in Elections
    • As we go through this history, keep this question in mind... 
    • If you are a wealthy individual who has a strong desire to support a candidate... How would you have done it before FECA?  After FECA?  After BCRA?  After Citizens United v. FEC?
  3. Analyze: Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)
    • What were the causes of FECA?
      • Watergate
      • Lack of regulation and transparency in ads 
    • What were the effects of FECA?
    • What did the Supreme Court say about FECA?
      • Buckley v. Valeo (1976): Struck down limits on expenditures because spending money = free speech under the 1st Amendment
  4. Analyze: Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) 
    • What were the causes of BCRA?
      • Rise of soft money 
      • Rise independent expenditures and issue ads 
    • What were the effects of BCRA?
      • Ban on soft money; contributions to parties are now hard money
      • Ban on independent expenditures by corporations/unions using unlimited money for issue ads 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election
      • Stand by your ad: "I approve this message" (i.e. 2004 Bush ad)
      • Rise in bundlers (i.e. 2012 bundlers)  
    • What did the Supreme Court say about BCRA?
      • McConnell v. FEC (2003) upheld BCRA
      • Citizens United v. FEC (2008) struck down ban on independent expenditures by corporate/union treasuries using unlimited money
      • Citizens United v. FEC allowed for creation of Super PACs
  5. Apply: 2012 Campaign Ads
    • Why do we rarely see federal campaign ads in California?
    • As you watch these 2012 ads, ask yourself... What type of ad is it?  What kind of funding was used?
  6. Create: Oral Arguments

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ch 09 - Campaigns & Elections - Class 2

1. What are the various stages of the modern presidential election, and why has it become so long?
2. What are the various stages of the modern Senate and House elections, and why does incumbency advantage exist despite low approval ratings for Congress?

  1. Analyze & Evaluate: 2000 Presidential Election

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ch 09 - Campaigns & Elections - Class 1

1. What are the various stages of the modern presidential election, and why has it become so long?

  1. Reading Quiz: Ch 09 - Campaigns & Elections
  2. Analyze & Evaluate: 2000 Presidential Election