6. What are the current policies that have contributed to the current state of the US-Mexico border?
7. What are common myths about undocumented immigrants?
- Quiz: Immigration Myths & Realities Quiz
- Documentary: Crossing Arizona
- As you watch the first half (00:00 - 43:20) of Crossing Arizona, prepare to answer the following questions:
- Answer questions #1-11 of the viewer's guide
- Discussion: Common Myths
- Please welcome a teacher from the Nogales immersion
- Questions for the teacher:
- How have you sought to develop an informed conscience on these issues?
- What are the current policies that have contributed to the current state of the U.S.- Mexico border?
- What are common myths about undocumented immigrants?
- Slides from Ms. Vanderpol
- Case Study: Nogales Immersion
- Please welcome students from the Nogales immersion
- Questions for the students:
- Prior to immersion, what were your views on immigration?
- How did immersion change your views?
- What person/event had the greatest impact on me?
- Questions from the class?
- 3-2-1: Today's Class
- Share three discoveries, two connections, and one question from today's class