Dear students,
I am on a WASC visit to another school Monday-Wednesday. Please welcome and support the proctor by staying on-task. In preparation for next week's look at the federal court system... Enjoy watching this excellent example of how a case reaches the Supreme Court...
Thank you,
Dr. Christensen
- 2. How has the U.S. Supreme Court used selective incorporation to expand its power?
1. What is the organizational structure of federal courts and state courts?
- Quiz: Ch 15 - Judicial Branch
- Film: Brown v. Board of Education
- What can we learn from Simple Justice?
- Trace the path of the case as it reaches the Supreme Court
- Listen carefully to the legal debate over whether the Supreme Court should impose social change
- What is your homework for Thursday?
- Paragraph: Summarize the path of how the case reached the Supreme Court... What lower courts did Thurgood Marshall and his colleagues have to go through first?
- Paragraph: Summarize the legal debate about how social change should occur... What arguments does Marshall make? What arguments do the opposing lawyers make?
- Your post should meet the expectations for social media (Picture or video, hyperlinks for all quality sources of information, quality writing...)