Friday, January 31, 2014

Ch 12 - Legislative Branch - Class 6

    1. How does a bill become a law in theory, and how does a bill become a law in practice?
    2. What are the key differences between the Senate and the House?
    3. What are the various purposes of committees in Congress?
    4. What are common criticisms of Congress?

  1. Reflect: Senate Simulation
  2. Summarize: How a Bill Becomes a Law
  3. Summarize: Key Differences Between House and Senate
    • What are the key differences between the two chambers?
  4. Summarize: Various Purposes of Committees 
  5. Summarize: Criticisms of Congress
  6. Satire: Legally Blonde 2
    • What is surprisingly accurate about this film?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ch 12 - Legislative Branch - Class 4 (Party Caucus)

  1. Debrief: State of the Union
    • What was the goal?
    • How did it compare to the Republican response? The Tea Party response?
  2. Create: Party Caucus
    • Where does each Senator stand on this issue?
      • Seeking re-election or retiring? 
      • Close election or safe seat? (Kay Hagan / Mary Landrieu / Mark Begich)
      • Moderate or liberal/conservative?  
      • State's cultural view on guns?
    • What is the public opinion?
    • What is your party's strategy for the floor debate?
      • Dems need two Republicans to sign a cloture motion to end debate and have a final vote

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ch 12 - Legislative Branch - Class 3 (Committee Hearing)

  1. Create: Senate Judiciary Committee
  2. Looking Ahead: Homework
    • What do you need to do for Tuesday's State of the Union?
      • Live-tweet your analysis, not your reactions... Analyze the significance of every line... Make connections to what we have studied... Represent yourself well on Twitter... Be political scientists, not voters...
      • Use #hsgovchat and your class hashtag in all tweets
    • What do you need to do for Wednesday's Party Caucus?
      • Party leaders must be prepared to run the meetings