Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Blog Design


I have revised the blog template to embed my Twitter account.  I will continue to tweet stories that apply to the concepts we are studying in class.  I have also added RSS feeds for Politico and the Washington Post.

Let me know what you think.

Thank you,
Mr. Christensen

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ch 10 - Congress - Class 3

  1. 1. How does a bill become a law in theory and in practice?

  1. Case Study: Affordable Care Act
    • What does this legislation reveal about how a bill becomes a law?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ch 10 - Congress - Class 2

  1. 1. How does a bill become a law in theory and in practice?

  1. Quiz: Ch 10 - Congress
  2. Summarize: How a Bill Becomes a Law (EQ #1)
  3. Case Study: Affordable Care Act
    • What does this legislation reveal about how a bill becomes a law?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Ch 10 - Congress - Class 1

  1. Return: Final Exam - Part I
    • Silently review the exam
    • E-mail a reflection to me about class, SI, and life in general
    • Read political news on Twitter
  2. Update: 2012 Electoral College 
  3. Case Study: How a Bill Becomes a Law
    • How did Congress and the President pass a law to avert the "fiscal cliff"?
    • After reading these stories, what are the key take-aways from this case study?
      • What was the sequence of events for how this bill become a law?
      • What did Plan B reveal about Speaker Boehner's control of the House?
      • What did we learn about VP Biden's influence in the Senate?
      • What was the House's reaction to the Senate's passed bill?
      • What was the President's reaction to the bill passed by the House and Senate?
      • What exactly was in the passed legislation?
    • How do House and the Senate pass a bill on the floor?